About Me

My Background

Hey there, I’m Aastha Kochar.

I specialize in writing high-converting and data-driven blogs for B2B (Digital Marketing, E-commerce & more) brands.

I have a strong educational background in Journalism, that allows me to conduct extensive research, tell stories, and make my content unique.

I Drive Revenue, Not Just Traffic

I’m not here to create content for the sake of it. I’m here to generate results.

From boosting your website’s ranking to driving more clicks and conversions, my content is designed to make an IMPACT.

What Goes Into My Content?

I am adept at using SEO tools like Semrush, Surfer SEO, and Yoast & Rank Math Plugin for keyword research & on-page optimisation.

For writing, I use Google Docs, and for editing, I use Grammarly Premium & Hemingway Editor to ensure the content is easy and accurate.

I am also well-versed with WordPress & other Content Management Systems for publishing content.

And if you’re wondering whether I use AI / ChatGPT for content, YES I DO — But only to get assistance in strategising, generating ideas quickly, and being more efficient at my job. This helps us stay ahead of our competitors by focusing on both — quality & quanitity.

LinkedIn's Top Content Marketing Voice
LinkedIn's Top Content Marketing Voice

If you wish to help your audience with educational & actionable content to convert them into your long-term, high-paying customers, we’ll get along really well.